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Baby, don't say goodbye.

about me.
Sharifah Agogo ☮ Basically a girl with a big heart + big dreams. Being curious and arrogant is what fills me. And, i have th most best family&boyfr ever. Plus, th people surrounding me are awesome. I have a blissful life which i lead in nobody's way but me! I SNORE, so? HAHA ~ O1O11O, ♥ of my life.
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Syasya Joker♥♥♥Bestfr
Feeqah♥♥Bestfr's Sister
August 2010

Thursday, August 26, 2010 { 5:15 PM }

Hello humans! It's been awhile since i left a post. Alot happen lately. I'm gg to further my studies next year in a private school. For now i past my time by working, being independent. I also am single now but i miss th times being w my babybestest whom i dote th most. Miss you,
Well, Hari Raya is coming. Tell you all honestly, i'm not abit excited at all. It's th same th whole time. Boring! Well, gg to sleep now. It's 8.22a.m alrdy. I gotta work later. Gdnight to me (:
